Tags, Blogs et Vidéos populaires sur solutions gestion de temps

Le manager de transition : l'homme de toutes les situations

Spécialiste du management de transition, Robert Half Management Resources a interrogé plus de 4 500 Directeurs Financiers et Directeurs des Ressources Humaines de 18 pays dont 38% d’entre eux prévoient un recours croissant au management de transition. Quel est le top 5 des grands projets et réalisations que les entreprises - tous [suite...]

Date: 2008-07-21 23:34:00

Articles de blogs (6) | Aucune vidéo

Focus sur Tiny ERP

Focus sur Tiny ERP ERP Pas de commentaire » TinyERP Tiny ERP est progiciel de gestion intégrée (acronyme PGI, en fait, c’est un ERP+CRM, acronymes de Enterprise Resource Planning + Customer Relationship Management, en français Gestion de la Relation Client = GRC) libre sous licence GPL pour PME [suite...]

Date: 2008-08-13 12:55:58

Resource Nation: Excellent Business to Vendor Services

Managing a business is not a joke and organizations can fall back on poor informational resources almost ruining their years of labor ... company-the buyer has rights to collect the cash from debtor. Organizations needing web site design ... partners. Apart from this, there are some suggestive articles on SEO and choosing web site designers [suite...]

Date: 2008-09-06 17:04:58

From courses to community: Josien Kapma and Nancy White

This is an article that Josien Kapma and I wrote for the Dutch journal, “Leren in Organisaties” ... resources management and development in organizations? What sparks their formation and creates [suite...]

Date: 2008-08-27 14:42:56

Water works

Un-exploited hydro resources are abundant across Africa. Peter Griffiths reports on the need to untap the continent’s power potential Illustrations Nils Davey Flying over Africa late at night reveals a continent largely in darkness, littered only by flickers of faint firelights and several metropolises that have managed to find power at the end [suite...]

Date: 2008-08-31 23:00:53

Lehman Brothers - Operations Timeline

Businesses Lehman Brothers takes a "One Firm" approach to business, working together across our business groups and actively bringing all of the Firm's resources to bear for our clients. Lehman Brothers maintains leadership positions in equity and fixed income sales, trading and research, investment banking, private investment management, [suite...]

Date: 2008-07-25 08:48:17

6 Résultats